appyter.render package



appyter.render.form module

appyter.render.form.render_form_from_nbtemplate(env, nb)[source]

Render a form with the Fields requested throughout the notebook. form.j2 is responsible for calling render on each relevant field.

appyter.render.nbconstruct module

appyter.render.nbconstruct.render_cell(env, cell)[source]

Render a single cell, calling jinja2 templates when necessary (only on %%appyter -matched cells) and converting cells to markdown / removing them as necessary.

appyter.render.nbconstruct.render_nb_from_nbtemplate(env, nbtemplate, data={})[source]

Render the notebook by rendering the jinja2 templates using the context in env.

appyter.render.nbexecute module

appyter.render.nbexecute.iopub_hook_factory(nb, emit)[source]
async appyter.render.nbexecute.nbexecute_async(ipynb='', emit=<function json_emitter_factory.<locals>.json_emitter>, cwd='', subscribe=None, fuse=False)[source]

Module contents

Each submodule represents a machanism for rendering an appyter as something new.