Kinases are an important family of enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a phosphate group to proteins or molecules. Above, a kinase similarity network (based on the similarity of known-substrates, defined by the cosine distance) is shown as an adjacency matrix. This network includes 404 kinases and 163,216 'links'. The kinases are shown as rows and columns and the links are shown as cells in the matrix. Kinases are shown with two categories: 1) substrate-type (e.g. tyrosine) and 2) kinase-family.
Similarity matrices allow us to visualize large network without the formation of a 'hairball'. We can see that kinases in this network largely cluster according to their substrate type and family, which is expected. We can zoom into the similarity matrix to see more detailed network structures and reorder the matrix using the buttons on the sidebar to find additional patterns.
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